We use PayPal for most transactions here at EverythingEtsy.com. Since all Etsy sellers and most buyers have a PayPal account, we’ve found that this works great.
There are just two really important points we want you to know:
1. The PayPal account you will be directed to is in the name of Crazy Tree Media, Inc. which is our company. You’re in the right place!
2. This is really important for things to go smoothly – when you reach the screen on PayPal that says your payment is complete, look for the link that says “return to Crazy Tree Media”.
I just paid for the $30 for 3 months special you have. I followed the instructions and clicked on the “Go back to Crazy Tree…” button, but nothing happened. What do I do now?? How do I send you my logo & link??
Kim — sorry — the same thing happened to me — the link didn’t go anywhere!
Sorry! All these detailed instructions and the link was broken! Go figure. We fixed it and sent everyone an email. The directions still apply (now that we did our part right!)