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Can you tell me if you know how to add to feedback given to a seller or change the feedback you gave to a seller?
How do I submit a giveaway?
I love your designs!
Hey! I just found out about you guys through SoCoDivka’s blog and want to know how I can make part of the WOW wednesdays promos! I have one going on too!! Please let me know, thanks!
I just came accross your site on google and boy am I glad I did! Thanks for all the great info!
How terrific to stumble upon you. I can use all the support I can acquire when it comes to refining my Etsy site and tips for building my business. My question to you: I have a version of PhotoShop and not Element version; can I still use your tutorial to create a banner? My banner needs help and how!
I look forward to viewing more of Everything Etsy!
Cheers and thank you =)
Just came upon you by google searching great info and giveaways. I subscribe now.
Hi! Just wanted to drop a quick note to say I am IN LOVE with this website! I’m on the verge of entering the world of Etsy. I’ve been doing my research – seeking out related resources, etc – and I must say that Everything Etsy is satisfying most of the questions running through my mind. Also, the creative inspiration via other Etsy artisans is contagious! I cannot wait to sift through all of the information you have. THANKS!!! ~~Liz
Hi there! Found you through another Etsyer “The Empty Nest”. She mentioned you in her blog! Seems like you have a great deal of helpful info. And- being able to travel like you do is a dream of mine! So…it really is possible?!!!
Looking forward to following your adventures!If you’d like, please take a look at my Etsy shop for artwork inspired by trips to Wyoming ,etc.!!!
I just discovered your website and I am in love, the style, the writing and of course the fresh new shops to discover
Hi Kim!
2 questions…
how do i submit a giveaway?
how does one go about getting their etsy in the SWEET page?
This is really a dumb question, but how do I download the free banner from your blog to my computer? Thank you….Kim, you have an amazing blog!!!
I too am interested in doing a give away!
Hi! I just found your blog today and its such a great thing you’re doing. I’m a new shop and I’m really learning so much from your blog.
I’d like to participate in the giveaways too if possible!
I’m so glad I found your blog! It’s always great to find other like-minded people who appreciate handmade goodies.
I am interested in doing a give-away, how do I sign up?
Hi, I Would like some help promoting my shop! What do I need to do?
Hi Kim, I found your blog on Facebook through friends. Love it! It’s colorful, well written, and funny. Could you some tips from you. I would love a write-up of one of my items and if you need give-aways, I’m your girl.
We are big fans of Everything Etsy and Etsypreneur. Thank you for providing such wonderful services to etsyians.
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Offering advertisement on your site
I am asking you to publish the guest article on your blog, Which is related to gambling sites. If you interested to post an article on your site, How much you offer?
Thanks in advance”