Since I started sharing about doTERRA Essential Oils more and more on my blogs I’ve had lots of questions about the best way to purchase essential oils.
I know some of you have heard about the benefits of essential oils and might not know where to start. There are also a bunch of you that are super creative and want to make beautiful bath bombs and lip balms with all natural products. I can help!
Many people {myself included} join doTERRA just to get high quality essential oils at an awesome wholesale price. Seriously, the price gets better and better as you go…more on that later.
A Bit About Why I Use doTERRA Essential Oils & Sharing with You
I’ve been working with Etsy sellers and the handmade community since 2008. It’s my Happy Place, for sure. So, know that I have your best interest at heart when I share doTERRA Essential Oils with you. You are My People! You are My Family!
I’ve created tons of DIY projects with essential oils and know many Etsy sellers that create their beauty products using doTERRA. You use less than other brands you can buy at the store {I know from experience!!!} and the benefits {and scent} are so powerful! It’s a win-win!
These oils have done amazing things for my family and people I’ve met over the past 4 or 5 years. They have reduced the amount of doctor visits we have each year. If you have children with chronic ear problems, allergies, stomach issues and such, I know you understand how common those visits can be!
I was introduced to doTERRA Essential Oils {never having used an essential oil of any kind} by my mom. She had a friend that suggested we try doTERRA Breathe. Wow! What a difference a couple drops of oil can make! Now, every member of the family has their own bottle of Breathe!
We used doTERRA Breathe Essential Oil for at least 2 years before I ever tried another essential oil. I’m one of those skeptical types…ha! Looking back I really don’t know why it took me so long since one oil did a world of good for my family’s allergies, ear issues, breathing issues and more. But, finally I got with the program!
I joined as a doTERRA member just to be able to purchase them myself at a wholesale price. I thought it would save me money…that’s it.
Well, little did I know it would change my world!
doTERRA Essential Oils are all over my house…and even in my car {I use Balance or Lavender in traffic…ha}. It’s one of those things you might not fully understand until you try them. Once you start to see more and more benefits from using them you start to get rid of many of the things in you medicine cabinet that you used to look to for relief.
Thanks to doTERRA I no longer suffer headaches 5 times a week. I took so much medicine fighting them in the years prior to essential oils. It’s hard to even express my love of them at this point. They are amazing! They are all natural! They are simple! Many of them come right from the leaves or bark! That’s pretty simple. But, they are POWERFUL!
Most of the time only one or two drops is all you need! One bottle can last for a year or longer!
doTERRA Essential Oils are so much better than any you can find at the local health food store. There’s nothing added and you can read about how they are processed right here. That’s why it only takes a drop or two!
Learn What are Essential Oils and Why doTERRA! {Click here to read more.}
So, enough about me. Let me tell you how you can share in this world of essential oil awesomeness!
How Can I Start Buying doTERRA Essential Oils Wholesale?
—You can become a doTERRA Wholesale Member and start off by receiving a 25% discount on doTERRA products. It’s only $35…kind of like joining a shopping club like Sam’s Club or Costco. That’s it.
—Join my team as a member and I’ll send you 2 free eBooks…A Beginners Guide to Essential Oils and Aromatic Uses for Essential Oil. You will love them!
Join my team right now…Click Here.
— You DO NOT have to buy a certain amount of products every month or meet any requirements.
–You can renew you membership the following year for $25 and you’ll get a free bottle of Peppermint Essential Oil.
–You can choose to join the Loyalty Reward Program and earn free doTERRA products. It’s very much like a frequent flyer program where you get points, but these are based on you scheduled orders. This is not a requirement, but you’ll save so much!
—You can join and purchase one oil or start with a membership kit to save money. There are these doTERRA Essential Oil Starter Kits that are an awesome value for someone new to oils or beginning a business. They include the $35 member fee.
That about covers it!
Join my team right now…Click Here.
If you are interested in getting your oils for free or growing doTERRA into a business you would want to join as a doTERRA Wellness Advocate. Same wholesale prices, same price to join, no extra requirements…but, you get so much more!
–You’ll get your own doTERRA site to share with your friends and family. Any oils purchased through your site will get you 25% {by check}.
–To learn more about how you can start selling doTERRA essential oils {even if it’s just enough for you to pay for all the oils you want}, click here.
Either way with a wholesale membership {where you can’t earn any money} or with a wellness advocate membership {which gives you the option to make money from sharing}, you will love, love, love the benefits of essential oils!
Join my team right now…Click Here.
A Few Favorites…
I could go on and on about all the oils we use on a regular basis. Some of my favorites to get started with are Peppermint {It’s a headache killer and tummy tamer in one!}, Lavender {for anxiety relief and restful sleep} and Breathe! The Family Essentials Kit has 10 of the most popular oils and it’s a great way to get experience with them without spending a ton! {The enrollment kit includes your membership fee of $35 and you get a free bottle of Peppermint Beadlets {awesome stuff} and OnGuard Beadlets for $150. Read about all the kits here.}
Join my team right here and I’ll send you 2 free eBooks and personally help you learn about the best essential oils for you!
If you have any questions at all, just email me at!
Since joining doTERRA a few years ago I’ve grown a team of hundreds of essential oil users all over the world. We have a Facebook group and other online trainings that you can join in on once you’re all set up!
Now, I look to doTERRA for the largest part of my yearly income! The last two years have been amazing! Sharing the benefits of essential oils and making money…very cool!
I hope this helps answers some of you questions.
I look forward to watching essential oils make a difference in your life!
Click here to get set up on my team!
P.S. For monthly specials and how to start selling doTERRA Essential Oils visit this blog post. I update it on a regular basis with the best deals!
You might like these essential oil goodness posts…
Once you get your essential oils you’ll want to share some of these awesome DIY gift ideas!
- Lavender Bath Salt
- DIY Beard Oil
- Starfish Bath Bombs
- Lush Inspired Bath Bombs
- DIY Wool Dryer Balls
- Homemade Citrus Soap
- Lavender Linen Water
- DIY Essential Oil Mosquito Repellent
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.
I usually use lavendar essential oil but would love to try other scents.
It is very useful information… Thanks for sharing it.
I too have used doTERRA oils since 2009, but just started as a wholesale advocate. I Love Them!!! And your DIYs are DARling!!! 🙂
If I start with the wholesale only can I change to wellness advocate later?
Yes, you can…at no extra charge. 🙂 Then you will get your own doTERRA site and be able to make a percentage of any sales. Let me know if you have any other questions.
These look so easy! Love them!
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