While I don’t always succeed, I do try to keep a positive attitude. Don’t you?
There’s no question about the fact that a generally happy outlook on life makes things better. You might not be able to positive think your way out of that ridiculously high winter heating bill, but at least you might be able to avoid falling into a deep depression over it by “looking on the bright side.”
So to help with that, we created a little reminder you can print out and put on display.
I hope you like the touch of summer color! You can use the links below to download any or all of three sizes. Free for you to use, just not for resale.
Clicking on the links above will usually open the PDF in your browser and you can print from there. Sometimes that doesn’t work or in order to get more printing options you may want to download the file to your computer — to do that, right-clikc (ctrl-click or cmd-click on a mac) and choose “save target as” or “save link as”.
Enjoy! ~ Kim
If you love free printables, click here to search EverythingEtsy.com for “Free Printables” – There are five pages of results with links to hundreds and hundreds of printables!
Thanks for the printable! Everyone should be happy.
Thanks for the free printables. Is it permissible to upload a picture to facebook or use in my personal blogpost, for example? I would not be selling by any means, but not sure about it. Thanks for letting me know.
Hi Kim, thanks for the printables. I’m new to Etsy but wondering if you ever do anything with doll clothes in your blogs and newsletters. I never see them featured on the home page either. Just wondering….
Thanks for all you do!