Have you been bitten by the organizing-new-year-clean-out your-junk bug??
I have! I’ve been on a mission to simplify problem areas in our home while making our family routines run more smoothly. One of the projects I wanted to tackle was the ever growing number of drawers in out home that were very messy and unorganized! I have a small vanity in our master bedroom that houses my jewelry, scarves, perfumes … you know, pretty things.
The three drawers in it however, were anything buy pretty … pretty messy & dusty.
I bought the little desk at a yard sale for $10 so it needed a ton of sanding and some paint … spray paint actually, that left over-spray and dust on the inside of the drawers.
Here’s a quick before & after … because we all love a good before & after ♥
This can be done to any drawers, shelves, even kitchen cabinets …
with fabric, scrapbook paper or even wrapping paper.
Make sure you have plenty of Mod Podge on hand along with a good paint brush or sponge brush. I like to use the Gloss finish, it leaves a shine making it a little bit more resistant to stuff that might be in the drawers.
Working as you go, cut paper pieces to size for bottoms, sides and outsides
(if you’re crazy like me and you want the outsides of the drawers
to look cute when you pull them out)
When done, re-think your storage options.
Since you now have the prettiest drawers, pretty storage is in order!
I love to grab tea cups at thrift stores, just for those little things, like jewelry or nail polish.
If you like to crochet, scour all the free patterns on Pinterest, for nesting boxes … flexible and easy to squeeze into small spaces.
Now smile every time you open your drawers!
These certainly make me happy! … which seems to make it easier to keep tidy (smile.)
Happy Organizing!
Looking for more organization ideas??
Check out this post of 25 DIY Home Organization Ideas!
My name is Jaime from Raising up Rubies ♥ stay at home mama to 2 girls and wife to a handsome hubby
…my love is for all things crafty and i feel so blessed to have a super cute space to play & create in…
She’s a super talented contributor to Everything Etsy! You can find out more about Jaime on her blog…Raising Up Rubies. Visit her Etsy Shop for cute stuff!
Have you been organizing?? Care to share any of your tips?
If you love organization ideas… you should see this beautiful list of DIY ideas:
Love your drawers you did!! They are so pretty!!
absolutely adorable! I love this. Will have to do this with some of my recycled furniture in my workroom. Thanks so much for sharing this idea!!!!!! xxxx
This is a really cute idea. What a change!!
Genial la idea! Super facil
I love this paper, what a cute idea. Can you say where you got the paper? It looks so vintage and I totally love that look. Great combination with the accent papers also.
thank you Deby! I got that mat stack at Joann Fabrics last year, it is called “the Spring Fling” hope that helps 🙂
Did you mod podge the back & front of the paper? If not how did you get it to stay on? I am not very crafty, but always wanted to be , so I am on a new mission in my life! Thanks for your idea’s they are so cute & seem easy enough. 🙂
I just found you from Raising Up Rubies. So glad I did!
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nice post