This weekend I’m fooling around creating fabric rosettes. I’ll share my plans for these soon, but it got me to thinking about taking more time to create just for myself. Not for a gift. Not for my Etsy shop. Not to save money. Just for me!
There are times, like now, that I have to step back and make myself take a little time for me. Selfish? Not really {I don’t think}, everyone needs time for themselves and if you are always planning a new product or project it’s easy to wear yourself out and zap your creativity.
The creativity you have is part of what makes your Etsy items shine with beauty that’s all your own.
I’m creating something beautiful for myself this weekend and enjoying our sunny Florida weather in our backyard. That’s should fuel my creativity a bit.
So, what have you made for yourself lately? How do you take time to recharge your creativity? I’d love to hear what you’re up to this weekend!
Hi Kim,
Funny that you are writing about taking time for yourself and making something that you will enjoy. This weekend I’ve spent some time making handcrafted cards. While the cards will eventually go to someone I love, the act of making this has been a real joy. Nothing soothes my soul like crafting!
I try to spend a little time each day in my sewing room. I’m working on a king-size Pinwheel quilt. Even if I only get to spend 30 mins. per day in there, it gets me energized to get up and do the things that MUST be done.
If I had written in my blog this morning, it would have been everything you said and more. I must admit you said it a bit better then I would have. LOL.
I ended up painting an old chest of drawers in a beautiful green with an antique finish. I feel relaxed, and rested.
As someone who has been a crafter and seller for (way too) many years, I can tell you from experience that you must take time to work on things for yourself, even if it’s for only 10 minutes a day. If you don’t nurture your own creative needs you will will get burned out and resentful of the things you do for others or your business. That a creativity and business killer if ever there was one! It’s not selfish, it’s survival. There is a reason in the plane safety talk they tell you to put on your own oxygen mask first before assisting others ;o)
Did not do a single creative things this weekend, juggling between baseball, and toddler needs! Well yes I still believe even 10 mns a day is wonderful to take, maybe tomorrow! It’s mainly hard for me to said no to my boys when they want to play with me while my head is fill with ideas to put together. So early the morning or late at night are my times to create, and I don’t I do feel empty!
Thank you for your comment Deb H. I do sometimes feel if I’m not creating for business, it’s wasted time. But, I do meditate. So, what’s the difference? I bought a pattern from Sew Danish on etsy and used it to make an upcycled basket just for myself and started an embroidery floss coil basket last week. This weekend my creative time is with my husband (also an artist) going to the movies and getting pumped for new plush ideas.
I am a vintage seller and I have been hunting for stuff so much lately for my shop that every once in a while I have to keep something for myself! Like the two vintage French style leaf wall sconces in brass that are already hanging on my wall! Love them! Sorry vintage buyers…I just have to do that once in awhile!