Get Organized With Clean Mama Printables!
I’m a total list making person but sometimes I need a little guidance on organizing my out-of-control list of everything all in one spot. Do you have a giant list of your own? Maybe it’s not on paper, but I’m sure you never run out of thing that need to get done ASAP!
Clean Mama Printables can help you organize your thoughts and keep you on track. Staying organized can help you get so much more done without feeling super overwhelmed. I’m always striving to improve this area of my life since I sell online, homeschool and blog, blog, blog. 🙂
Becky has created a printable for every area of your life!!! Here are a few you might find helpful:
- The Family Information Kit
- Fitness and Healthy Living Kit
- Teacher’s Planning Kit
- Editable Schedules
- Prayer Request Journal Printables
- The Cleaning Kit
There are so many more and you can even chose to buy a single page from a kit. Having the right printable might be just what you need to start getting things done.
Check out this Blogger’s Kit! Keep track of you blog posts, ideas, and social media schedule…I love it! Becky sent me this to try for myself and I know this will really help so many of you with your blogs. There are 5 different printables included in this kit.
Some of you might need this Work At Home Kit. Start keeping track of your profits and set goals for the future of your business with these 5 printables designed just for you!
Clean Mama Printables will give all Everything Etsy readers a 20% discount {code – 20EETSY} for the next week. So go on over there and take a look around!
***We’re also giving away 2 Blogger Kits and 2 Work At Home Kits!
Here’s how to enter…
- Visit Clean Mama Printables and leave me a comment including your favorite item…or two. {1 entry}
- Spread the word of this fun giveaway by Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or blog post. {1 entry each}
- Follow Clean Mama Printables on Twitter or Facebook to keep up with specials. {1 entry each}
- If you subscribe to Everything Etsy, follow me on Twitter, or Like us on Facebook…you rock!
{1 entry each}
**This giveaway has ended…winners will be contacted by Becky via email shortly. Thanks for all your fabulous comments!
If you love organization ideas… you should see this beautiful list of DIY ideas:
I think my favorite is the menu planning kit! thanks for the chance to win! 🙂
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i like the editable bill and payment checklist. thx for a great giveaway!
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I love the cleaning kit and the work at home kit! They are fantastic, I definitely could use all the help I can get.
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I have 3 favorites:
1) Work At Home Kit
2) Blogger’s Kit
3) Editable Pastel Rainbow To Do
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Christmas Planning Kit!/Aproudmomof6/status/201115726717792257
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I love the menu planning set.
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Love the Blogger Kit!
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I NEED the blogger’s kit! I have post its and notes scattered everywhere O.o
I would love to try out the planner and the content calendar!
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Wow, lots of nice things there. I think I like the Blogger’s Kit and the Organized Kitchen Labels the most, but there are many useful items available on her site. Nice giveaway!
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The editable weekly docket! 🙂
What a great giveaway! I love that Work at Home Kit. Shared it on FB! CMP and EE are some of my favorite “likes” on FB. I subscribe to EE by email, and follow on Pinterest!
I love the blogger’s kit and the cleaning kit! And the calendars…and work at home kit….
Liked clean mama on Facebook!
The PERPETUAL Cleaning Schedule is my favorite item. My house is a constant disaster, and I felt like if I had a list in front of my face of what to tackle each day I wouldn’t get so overwhelmed trying to do it all at once and I could stay on top of it!
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Love the The To Do List Kit! I could really use that!
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Post on my FB page too!
(Sorry # 57 should say FB for Facebook)
I love the cleaning kit!
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I love her ideas! My favorite is the blogger’s — might be just the push I need to finally start my own quilting blog!
I am a happy regular follower of Everything Etsy! Thanks for this fun giveaway!
I just liked you on Facebook (not sure why I hadn’t until now) and of course I follow Everything Etsy through e-mail. AND my favorite printable so far is the Editable perpetual cleaning list. I could see saving a digital version of this and just using it on my Samsung tablet instead of actually printing it. (Trying to be a tiny bit more eco friendly) BUT I also checked out Clean Mama blog and LOVE it! Thanks for sharing this great giveaway and resource!
Just shared on FB too!
I would be interested in the Work at Home Kit! Thank you.
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I love the cleaning schedule. My house is constant chaos lol
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My favorite item from the shop is the Blogging kit, I could use more organization!
Oh, I do love clean mama. I hearted her shop a while ago – but am too discouraged to buy anything – fearing I might fail at the simple task she has laid out for me – daily.
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Maybe I should actually try some of these business related things – rather than having to CLEAN MY HOUSE – I could just commit to posting or blogging or facebooking! Like that better.
No, I am not a total slob, but I did have 1 “extra effort kid”, then 3 years later, a precious baby girl, then 16 mo later a sweet baby that my DH delivered in our kitchen (where’s the clean mama printable for THAT?) and then a sweet baby boy 17 mo after that for which I did not speak to my aforementioned DH for 6 mo after confirming I was indeed PG AGAIN!
Ah, sweet motherhood!
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Am following Clean Mama Printables on facebook
I love the Work at Home Kit, but am also very into the Baby Brain Kit – perfect as a gift for those soon-to-be Mums who have everything!
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Loving anything about Blog organization – I need this desperately!
I think my favorite is the school days kit. Although there are plenty I would use, I really need to organize my kids school stuff.
I liked Clean Mama’s FB page.
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I like the menu planning! We could use the help!
And I follow Everything Etsy everywhere… blog. twitter!
I’m horrible at blogging, so I think that one would be the best though the others look great, too!
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Such cute printables!