Have you seen the new Etsypreneur.com yet?
It’s been a busy place with lots of discussion and community involvement from subscribers to the Etsypreneur Daily Tips email.
In fact, questions from subscribers have gone into a free Etsy Success series starting tomorrow.
The questions to be answered and discussed include:
1. What are the top five most important things for newbies just starting out?
2. How do I boost more sales in my Etsy shop?
3. How do I quantifiably measure success on Etsy?
4. What is the goal/purpose behind my own website and or blog?
5. How focused should my blog be? How do I find my “voice”?
6. What are WordPress themes and how do I pick one and what do I do with it?
7. What are the ten most important things I can do to improve my Google results?
8. How do you maximize the Etsy community through Treasury lists and/or Teams?
9. I’ve started blogging, twittering, facebooking, and pinning. Still so few sales. Help!
10. How do you maintain contact with customers who have purchased from you in the past?
11. Please demystify International shipping! (and shipping in general!)
Finally, we’re going to wrap the series up by talking about the solution to this comment left on the site:
This morning I was overwhelmed with information….how do you get your etsy shop on facebook, how do you promote, view your stats, like other people’s stuff, etc. etc. etc. and then find time to work on an etsy order, then work on a future listing, then go shopping. My garden awaits me and the grass needs cutting. I literally have not been out in my garden for a few weeks and that used to be a place of peace. Sooo, overwhelmed, but I still love what I do. (comment on Etsypreneur.com)
To get in on this series at the beginning, sign-up for the free Etsypreneur Daily Tips email list here: newsletter.etsypreneur.com
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Just received the first email! Fanastic, tons of much needed info. I look forward to more great tips to come.
Much Love—Jodi