We have a brand new blog to share with you…Remodeling Therapy! Many of you already know that my husband is Remodeling Guy and we have combined our efforts to bring you this blog with loads of inspiring photos and creative ideas.
We plan on packing it full of great information and pretty stuff I know you’ll enjoy.
I would love, love, love for you to stop by and take a peek at what we’ve been working on for what seems like FOREVER! Blogs always turn out to be a bit more work than expected. Maybe you could even be one of our very first subscribers! 🙂
Thank you!
What??! You guys are amazing!! LOVE the new site–do you ever sleep??! xoxo
I subscribed!!!!!
Congratulations on your new endeavor.
Janet xox
Love your new website!!
Congrats and good luck on this new endeavor. I’ll support you there!!
Love this! My hubby and I often discuss how we would re-do parts of our house or where we would add on…and we had our house built!
Good luck with the new site!
Looks great. Great site, and fantastic inspiration 🙂
Hi Kim! I just take a peak, and everything is beautiful, blog design, photos,… I’m subscribed already 🙂
The new blog is wonderful! Look forward to browsing through the different posts. You guys are always an inspiration.