See below for an Audio Podcast with Kim & Tim!
How many Etsy shops turn into long-term successes? What percentage of people who start selling on Etsy with big dreams end-up watching that dream fade away? It’s probably pretty high.
What about you? Do you want to actually see those dreams come to fruition? Do you want to actually experience the feeling of waking up in the morning and seeing that you had a dozen sales while you slept? Do you want to see your work printed on the page of a magazine one day? If you do, our upcoming post series will help you tremendously!
To Succeed Online, You MUST Have a Blog!
I’m not a big fan of statements that include “You must” or “You can’t”. I’m kind of a brat that way. But this is the truth. Your blog will eventually be a key component to your success online.
So we’ve prepared a series of ten posts on everything you need to know about the essentials of blogging for success on Etsy. If you’re ready to rock your blog, follow along with us as we share the most important things we’ve learned after three years, thousands of posts, and millions of visitors.
Posts In The {BLOG} Series:
September 12th – Blogging Leads to Online Greatness! {audio}
September 19th – Setting Up Your WordPress Blog on Your Domain {video}
September 26th – Make It Your House – Themes, Styles, and Plugins for WordPress {video}
October 3rd – Content is King – 10 Secrets of Great Blog Content
October 10th – Using Social Media to Support Your Blog {video}
October 17th – Using Your Blog to Promote Your Etsy Shop
October 24th – Using SEO to Build Your Blog and Business {video}
October 31st – How and When to Make Money from Your Blog
November 7th – Must Have WordPress Plugins for Etsy Sellers
November 14th – Planning For Greatness – Tips For Advanced Blogging and Selling Online {audio}
Blogging Leads to Online Greatness
We’re not talking history book greatness here. We’re talking about reaching a point where you feel successful with your efforts on the Internet. Working through, past, over, and around the points (and they are many) when you want to quit.
For me, overcoming the temptation to surrender is greatness.
Follow along with us in this series. We’re pulling out all the stops and including videos, audio, infographics, the works! All completely for free as one way of helping you reach your own personal greatness.
To take advantage of this series, sign up here to get emailed to you once daily. The post title is in the subject line, so you will immediately know which post is of interest to you (and not waste your time with those that aren’t).

As an intro to this series, Tim and I have recorded our first audio podcast! We’ve done an interview format with Tim interviewing me on my experiences with blogging and more. A few highlights…
- How I got started on Etsy
- How we got into blogging
- Why blogging is important for success online
- What challenges I’ve had to overcome
- What I would do differently if starting today
You can just hit the play button and it should play right from this page, or use the links below the player.
Since this is our first podcast, we weren’t really sure what the best length was. We were shooting for thirty minutes and went a little long (Tim’s fault!). You can use the download link if you want to download the audio file for listening later if you like.
As always, I’d love to hear your feedback in the comments!
We mentioned a couple of recommended services in the podcast. If you decide to purchase them, we’d really appreciate you clicking through our affiliate links! Every little bit helps! For hosting, we love Bluehost and for email marketing, our favorite overall is iContact. These links won’t cost you a penny more and we’ll get an affiliate commission. Thanks!
How very nice of you ~ you always provide such wonderful, useful and timely information. Awesome!
.-= Mary Beth|Cupcakes and Crinoline´s last blog ..We Will Never Forget =-.
Hello Kim,
Thanks so much for taking the time to put this podcast together for all of us Etsy sellers and bloggers. I found the information to be very helpful.
Smiles, Paula
.-= Paula Parrish´s last blog ..{ happy monday } =-.
Ok….You two are just too darn cute!
Great idea for a series and I thank you in advance.
Gotta love a husband and wife team ;->
Janet xox
.-= janet metzger´s last blog ..What Do You Know About Aqua Ball Jars? =-.
I havent yet started an etsy shop, but I do have a blog and I will certainly need a little push in the right direction.
Rashon aka Mr. Goodwill Hunting
Thank you for such wonderful information!! I am new to the thought of blogging….(terrified, really!) and loved the advice you gave! Very practical and helpful!
Kim, if I already get your emails, do I have to sign up for the blog info?
Just listened to your podcast, Kim, I love the way you laugh and giggle, it makes it so much fun to listen to both of you.
Tim, you did a great job interviewing the new author, looking forward to your publication Kim.
The info ref blogging was helpful, I need to get back to mine after I get all the help in the up-coming series.
.-= Gaby´s last blog ..iPad Cover, Playbook Tablet, iPad Sleeve, Electronic Gadgets Pouch =-.
Thanks for the great podcast. Looking forward to learning even more as the series continues!
.-= cynthia kirby´s last blog ..What a Year =-.
I found your recording very helpful, thank you! I have trouble with tech stuff, like linking to other blogs
.-= Susan Hemann´s last blog ..Quiet Reflection Sunday- 9/11 =-.
Thanks, Tim and Kim, for taking the time to put this series and the podcast together. I’m a homeschool mom, too, and am still in my first year of having an Etsy shop. I’ve learned a lot along the way, and all your ideas are not new to me, but I’m looking forward to learning how to actually impliment them. I’ve been getting to a point where I’m a bit discouraged and overwhelmed, and I think this will help give me some structured direction. Thanks again!
.-= Malaika´s last blog ..Discovered! =-.
Am just loving your first podcast. Great advice, and such easy listening. Looking forward to the next post already! Thank you both x
Looking forward to these posts. Thanks for putting this all together!
.-= Beth´s last blog ..Comment on New Look! by admin =-.
Dear Kim and Tim,
Fantastic series. The information is very valuable for anyone selling online. Your time is appreciated. You always share your knowledge and are true “givers”.
Can’t wait for more!
P.S. Your EE posts are all informative, and fun!
.-= Sondra´s last undefined ..The version of CommentLuv on this site is out of date and will soon stop working. Please ask the webmaster to update their CommentLuv in the dashboard of this site! This version will continue to work for a few more weeks and then stop. =-.
Loved it! Lol. You guys have me thinking more and more about switching to Word press…grrr….lol!
Look forward to your next audio!
Two years ago I was ‘blog’ clueless but ‘blog-plunged’ and signed up for a Blogger site. I like a lot of the widgets available on Blogger, but like Tim, feel the url is kind of long, i.e. YIKES!
Luckily, somewhere along the line I discovered WordPress and began two blogs– and
OK! I know, three blogs could be a little ‘over-the-top’, but then I do suffer from ‘The Rhinocerous Principle – Charge like a RHINOCEROS at your goal.’ And your point is well taken about getting started on the right foot being a huge key, or at least discovering early on that one needs to ‘migrate’ a blog BEFORE spending too much time promoting a site otherwise a lot of time will be mis-spent. I do think blogging is a little like sour dough starter: Got Blog, Go Feed! However, I have fallen in love with blogging. I am amazed at what I’ve learned in two years and I look forward to this series and learning from you two. Thanks so much!
Just listened to the podcast while making a new bracelet 🙂 I love blogging, and blogged before I ever started creating my jewelry. I have 2 blogs – more personal one, and one for my jewelry.
When you mentioned an email sign up – did you mean for a newsletter (which you send weekly/monthly) or email subscribing to blog posts?
This is amazing! I am working on revamping my entire blog and business site after changing my business path (going from jewelry to graphic design – big change!) and I am very much looking forward to this series. Thank you!
Thanks for your share,and great job!
Thank you so much!