I’m a SAHM who blogs and sells stuff on Etsy, so I’m not a big user of corporate sales lingo. However, I’ll make an exception in this case because I think it might help.
The big sales consultants have an acronym for a the human nature of sales flow: AIDA
Attention. Interest. Desire. Action.
Ok, so even here in my house, with boys silently threatening bodily harm to one another over the X-Box (they think I don’t see them), I can see that this is both common sense and uncommonly helpful.
This framework gives me a mental picture of what has to happen for me to make a sale online. Another common sales term is “The Sales Funnel”.
1. Attention
You’ve got to get as many people as possible in the top of the funnel. All you need to do at this point is get eyes on your stuff. Any of your stuff, such as:
- Your Etsy Listings themselves
- Your blog posts
- Your Facebook Posts
- Your Twitter Updates
- Your Pinterest Pins (of your pictures of your stuff)
- Your online videos
- Your giant streaming banner towed behind your car…
Anything that can grab the attention of lots of people is step one. You want to be prolific about this. Between kids, school, husband, life, and maybe even another full-time job, that is. You can do it!
2. Interest
At the first level, you’ll lose a ton of people right off-the-bat. Not everyone who sees your wonderfully created touch of super-girl awesomeness is going to be smart enough to know that they want more.
But some will, and they are the ones who are “interested”.
Once you have their interest, you’re going to want to turn up the heat a little bit. This is where you do most of your actual selling. Here’s what you do:
First, try and understand what would motivate someone to buy your item…
- What do they gain?
- What problem does it/you solve?
- What fear does your product represent defense against?
Next, point out why they should buy your particular version of the product…
- Higher quality?
- Faster delivery?
- More social proof? (everyone uses this one)
- Better __________ ?
For the most interested, if you do this well, you’ll get some of them wanting to take the next step.
3. Action!
Wait, don’t get too excited yet. This isn’t the sale. It’s a decision to buy and they are ready to buy, but there is a final step for getting them through the funnel.
Remove Obstacles! Here are a few ideas:
- Free Shipping
- Clear terms
- Easy Payment Method (on Etsy this is out of your hands)
- Fast response to inquiries
- Customer testimonials if possible (removes the “is this a smart purchase?” fear)
Does it sound too simple? The truth is that it really isn’t complicated, it’s just a matter of time and effort.
And since you probably do have more than one thing going on in your life, don’t sweat it if this takes awhile to perfect. With the holiday season approaching, you’re going to get some sales if you show up to the party!
Build on these ideas for this season and all next year, and the year after that if needs be. Just don’t quit on your dream. You can’t fail, if you don’t quit.
So what do you think? Is “AIDA Girl!” helpful for you? Let’s talk in the comments…
~ Kim
I have thought about doing free shipping to streamline the process for the customers and for myself. My shop launches next week, so I need to decide soon:)
I think that this is a very helpful post. Thanks
.-= Amanda Joy´s last blog ..Mingle With Us =-.
This is the best post on here yet. Thank you!
.-= di´s last blog ..IRONING =-.
Thanks for your helpful tips, Kim. i keep putting effort on it!
.-= Cathy´s last blog ..Extra large Sunflower Necklace by karenswimmer =-.
It does sound simple Kim, but getting the attention is hard work, and it’s not how you originally think you will spend so much of your time when you have the idea to open your etsy shop. Working on it though, everyday! Little by little.
.-= Claire´s last blog ..In the beginning…!!! =-.
Hard to believe not everyone out there is smart enough to appreciate the truly creative super-girl awesomeness some of us have…
Great post (as usual) Kim! Thank you.
~ Jenn
.-= Jenn´s last blog ..Blooming Honeysuckle Trumpet Flower Lucite Earrings (4419) =-.
One thing that I think made a difference was the “customer testimonials”. Some of my customers are extraordinarily thrilled with their purchases and leave extra special feedback. I have taken those messages and incorporated them into my shop announcements. I’m not sure if it;s all that helpful, but if I were a buyer, I’d appreciate these comments myself. It also gave me more confidence when I was newer and had lots less feedback.
.-= Tricia´s last blog ..Pregnancy Journal, Baby Shower, Diary Notebook shower red & kraft, polka dots, crochet flower, embossed paper, 100 lined pages, spiral bound =-.
Excellent post! Thank you!
I felt lost in the crowd as a newbie, but
persistence and perseverance are beginning to pay off.
But it’s not like Field of Dreams — if you list it they will come. You need to list, relist, promote, photograph, describe, entice and utilize social media. And then …Repeat.
.-= LeAnn´s last blog ..When It Rains, It Pours =-.
Thanks Kim. I agree with the free shipping and answering those convos quickly. Its nice for you to reassure us that we are all doing this for a reason. 🙂
.-= Tammy/FancieStrands´s last blog ..Autumn Wedding Bridal Hair Flower Clip, Brooch Pin, Fascinator, Fall, Holiday, Woodland, Rustic =-.
As usual, another GREAT post with food for thought!! Free shipping may be the way to go…
.-= Michele´s last blog ..“Just Another Manic Monday . . .” =-.
Great info… this is the sum of getting your shop off the ground!
.-= ViVO´s last blog ..Soy Candle- CranOrange Scone Kitchen Candle in Eco Chic Container =-.
Thank you for this encouragement! I’ve just had my Etsy since May, and with only 3 sales, it has been disappointing. I’m hoping that things will pick up this fall, as I’d love to make this a source of extra income. I love to make things, and don’t need to make much more for me! 🙂 I will have a new felt quiet book for kids to list soon…hope it will be a hit.
.-= Donna´s last blog ..Bits of Bliss =-.
I found this post extremely helpful. It seems obvious, but it helps to have it laid out in such an organized way. Thanks!
wow looking good
nice post like it