The time is upon us! The $30.00 for three months Etsy Shop ads are available right now! Sold out – other ads available Click Here
They usually don’t last long, so if you find them already sold out, don’t worry, we have another offer for you that might even be better!
Enhanced Directory Listings for $35.00 one-time fee!
This means $35.00 forever, or at least for as long as the directory exists. Compared to the previous price of $5.00 per month, this is a great deal that is bound to pay for itself many times over time.
How many customers per year would you need to make up $35.00? Not many, and we plan to have the directory active and growing for years to come.
More info on that directory listing special right here.
All Advertising Options Available Here
The best way to be sure you get advance notice of the next ad sale (Mid-October for the holiday season) is to subscribe to our ads notifications email list. Here is the sign-up form:
Tim! Tim! Are you contacting me for this upgrade or do I need to do something???? I don’t want to miss out!
.-= MCatherine´s last blog ..Purple Glass Heart Inspiration =-.