Isn’t this a dreamy bunch of wool roving? I wanted to take it all home!
The other day I was lucky enough to notice that the Southwest Florida Quilt Festival was going on at the Convention Center here in Punta Gorda. It’s so close I can walk!
This is my first quilt festival and I was amazed at the crowd. It was packed full of people of all ages…no offense, but I thought quilting was more popular among retired people that have more time. I’ve noticed since having this blog that quilting is hot!
I love all the designer quilting fabrics and I even made a very simple quilt of my own last year.
They had a huge silent auction and I decided to bid on this fun hula girl quilt, but of course I didn’t get it.
I learned that taking photos at a quilt show is super challenging, and I know it has to be a ton of work for all the vendors to set up all their fabulous fabric. They do a great job of displaying quilt kits and new fabric. I’m always attracted to those Moda jelly rolls and layer cakes…love them!
Here’s a fun quilt that had to take FOREVER to finish…very cute!
Once my feet were starting to hurt I decided to walk home. Our weather has been outstanding for a couple weeks here so we walk whenever we can.
I found a couple flowers on the way home that I would love to have in my yard, but I don’t know what they are…can you help???
They are both vines growing on a fence and the flowers were just beautiful! The red ones were so big!
These purple ones were growing right next to the red ones. Any ideas on the names of these?
Oh, and let’s not forget what I bought at the quilt show…
A sweet little apron for $10! I couldn’t pass it up!
Do you have any photos of quilts you’ve made? Leave a link in the comments, I’d love to see them! Anyone know the name of these flowers? 🙂
*The Southwest Florida Quilt Festival is a biennial show by the Peace River Quilters’ Guild. They do a fabulous job!
They look like some type of Clemantis.. which grows on a vine and has large 3 -4 inch flowers
check these out think these are the red ones.
Thanks Lisa! That was so helpful!
I think the red one is a passion flower but there are a lot of variants!
The blue one looks like these:
Thanks for the lovely post. I do have a question. do you have the information regarding the apron (as to who sold/made it)? I would love to get one like that. I live in Alaska and Spring doesnt really ever show itself here.. well, it does, but I call it Alaska’s summer : )
An apron like this would definitely make my spring month’s seem more spring-y. I am in love with this apron…all the colors etc.
thanks for your help
Take me next time!! Take me!!
I love these <3
Looks like a great time!
It looks like what we use to call a passion vine.