While looking for a picture to use in a recent post about how to share your etsy shop address, I came across this picture:
At first (and second, and third) glance I thought: nice card. But just another nice card. No big deal really.
Until I clicked through to the source website for the picture, which is a design firm called Flow 14.
It was there that I found out what I was really looking at. The blue part of the card is a sticker!
That is just so cool and creative I had to share it with you. Think of the possibilities!
nice idea! thanks for sharing =)
so clever! I like how it’s double sided too. I’d more likely to stick a logo sticker someplace [people will see it], than I would a sticker with contact info, so all in all, great design idea. Good Find!
holy smokes that is a fantastic idea! I am definitely going to look into this as a business card alternative
Love this!! 🙂 So innovative…not to mention I love designs that have multiple functions…and who doesn’t love a good sticker?!? ♥
I’m all about innovative ideas and this is fabulous!
Very nice! Always a good idea to have an air of originality with business card designs, makes it more memorable.
looking good
nice post