I’ve been busy getting in the the spirit of things around here by creating some fun little felt goodies. Once I start making stuff…watch out! I already have a wreath, a chalkboard sign, and I’m sure I won’t stop until the 14th…LOL! There’s always one more thing to add, isn’t there?
I made this sweet little felt heart necklace and I LOVE IT!
It’s puffy! There’s an embroidered pink heart on the front and it’s just red on the back…switch it to suit your mood. The way the chain goes through the heart makes it hang perfectly and it’s a major compliment magnet! Maybe I should keep some in my purse and sell them…ha!
I made a few necklaces, one for me, one for my store, and one for you…my sweet friends on Everything Etsy. Well, I guess only one of you can win, but I big puffy heart all of you! Your comments and emails really brighten my day.
If you would love to make one for yourself {and everyone you know} visit KimberlyLayton.com for beautiful wool felt that will make it perfect!
This necklace is all wrapped and ready to be sent out! Just leave me a comment about something you’re making, a Valentine’s Day memory or anything else you would like to say…LOL! I’ll pick the winner on Friday morning!
Thanks for being the best blog friends ever!!!!
**The lucky winner is Tirabaralla…congratulations!
Aw! Cute heart necklace. I crocheted a chain of hearts and sent them to my dear daughter for Valentine’s Day. She lives far away and I miss her, miss her, muches! <3 Thanks for the give-away.
Love the necklace! The hubby gets heart shaped waffles for Valentine’s Day breakfast this year, and I’ll make banana bread muffins for his carpool work buddies too. <3
we do a pink (strawberry) pancake breakfast each year…the kids look forward to it!
Didn’t you see under the stitches on the side it says BARBRA????? How adorable!
Very cute! What a great idea!
I’m knitting hearts with wool and will felt them, stitch them up, and stuff them for little pocket sized hearts. Some may become sachets. Cute so far!
I think as a craft with my kids, we will make doily (sp?) hearts and put their pics in there. I remember making those as a kid!
Adorable – I have been crocheting hearts and plan to put them together for a mantle bunting.
awww… that is thee most adorable heart.
I would love it!
Love it! I have fond memories of childhood valentines, putting them in a heart shaped box that the teacher would make. I think we adults should give out valentines too.
How sweet!
How sweet! What a different take between craft and jewelry. Pretty awesome!
Adorable necklace!! I’ve been home with my children stranded by the snow so we have been making lots of homemade crafts, I am running out of ideas! 🙂
I’m so excited I found your blog!!! I’ll be following 🙂
That is such a cute necklace!
What a lovely necklace!
I’m working on a Valentine’s day card for my boyfriend. I got the idea the other day and love the way it is coming together.
When I was a kid I went to a one room country school. For Valentines day we each made our own mailbox all decorated for the day. Then in the afternoon we got to deliver our Valentines to everyone, which you gave one to everyone in the school since it was so small. It was so much fun to sit around and open them together. Sometimes people added candy or cookies. We’d go home on A a sugar high, but we were all so happy with our little boxes if treasures!
That is so darling! I’m excited to make heart pepperoni pizza for my kids!
That is so cute! I just bought some green sticks I’m planning on turning into pom pom flower stems…we’ll see how that goes…
always made homemade valentines every year with my children. they never gave out store bought valentines. would love one of my own. its adorable.
I love this necklace! I will make a scrapbooking Valentine cards for my hubby and daughter!!!
Thank you for the chance!
I remember when i was around 10,my mom surprised me after school with a Valentines Day cake. She put little plastic smurfs on top of it for me to keep like this..
I bet i still have them in my dads attic 🙂
That is adorable! My mom used to make a huge deal out of Valentine’s Day. She would set up a special breakfast w/ conversation hearts in wine glasses, gifts on the table and a delicious meal!
i’m currently destashing everything from my house since i’m moving starting fresh!
I LOVE this necklace!!! So super cute.
I creep into my kids’ bedrooms the night before Valentines Day and hang hearts and “I love you” signs from their ceiling, so when they wake up on Valentines Day it’s the 1st thing they see. It was a surprise the first couple of times I did it, but now my kids expect it and look forward to it every year. Traditions are important.
This would be super to have for special occasions too. I can picture myself wearing it on the anniversary of our “gotcha day”, the anniversary of our finalization,…on my wedding anniversary… our kiddo’s birthdays… ANY special day!
This is a very unique creation. It would be a fun thing to wear to school (I’m a teacher’s aide) on Valentine’s Day. I think the kids would like it and it would be very festive for the party! If I don’t win it, can I order one of these?
I’m thinking of making a homemade Valentine… Using things that remind me of special times in our relationship, and photos from the wedding and honeymoon! It will be my first V-Day as a married gal!
Totally adorable!!
We made bird seed hearts to hand out to those we love and appreciate. 🙂
Hi there…so very cute…
I am in love and I consider that my blessing for this Valentine’s Day.
Your heart would make it even better hehe
I am working on a little padded bag for a hard drive…sounds funny but it is needed! Thanks…I could use a sweet heart! ♥
So cute! I love all the adorable things you see around Valentine’s Day!
I just taught myself how to knit. I’m a crocheter and I’ve been wanting to learn how to knit so I did and I’m making myself a thin scarf. I love to felt and I love your necklace…so cute!
I just love hearts and this is so adorable!
Awwww….So happy, TY so much for the opportunity 🙂