Here’s a giveaway you won’t want to miss! Paocollection has just what you need to welcome in Spring…enough of the dark colors already! I love all the beautiful designer fabrics that are used on these bags and this one might be my favorite. Isn’t it happy looking?
You’ll find bags, wallets and great baby items at Paocollection. I know you’ll enjoy this shop!
Here are a few more items to give you an idea of her selection…
This bib set would make the sweetest baby shower gift!
You can’t go wrong with this flower print shoulder bag…what great colors!
Paocollection is giving one lucky Everything Etsy a $25 gift certificate to get something pretty of yourself! There’s so much there to choose from and the prices are much lower than I would expect for such beautiful work.
You are going to LOVE this cheerful shop!
Here’s how to enter:
- Visit Paocollection and leave a comment here about your favorite item. {1 entry}
- Spread the word of this giveaway by Twitter, Facebook or blog post. {1 entry each}
- While you’re visiting Paocollection mark her shop as a favorite {heart it} for an extra entry. {1 entry}
- If you subscribe to Everything Etsy by reader or email, follow me on Twitter, or join us on Facebook…you’re awesome! {1 entry each}
This lovely giveaway ends 2/23 at midnight. Please leave a separate comment for each entry.
The giveaway has ended. Thanks for all your wonderful comments and support. The lucky winner is Anne Marie {105}! Congrats!
Good luck!
I love the Boutique Midnight kisses Mini wallet, great color scheme!
Hearted her shop!
I love the Wristlet Grey Bright Buds Zippered Clutch! So cute!
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I like the “Shoulder bag Whimsy Doozie Flower Doodle with Removable Flower”
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I love the everyday bag in Sunflower! SO cute!
Ooh! So many to choose from, how can I pick just one as a favorite? But I do really like the Watercolor Sky Shoulder Bag.
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I <3 Paocollection!
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I LOVE the Palm Spring Shoulder Bag!
I LOVE the patchwork flower cosmetics bag!
I have added Paocollection as a favorite on Etsy!
I <3 paocollection on Etsy.
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I’m a fan on FB. is my favorite, I think – but it’s so hard to choose!
I hearted the shop as well. 🙂
Also, I follow Everything Etsy on Facebook!
…and Twitter now too.
New Mini tote bag Amy Butler midwest modern martini moss purse / mini tote bag
I made with the tweetiness:
pixiemartin kristen l
Spring is in the Bag Giveaway! {Paocollection}
10 minutes ago
I follow Everything Etsy on the FB.
This is definitely my favorite!
And I <3ed paocollection on the etsy.
I LOVE the Daisy Jane shoulder bag!
I love the Bib and burpie Owls in Blue! So cute!
Well! I just have to tell you that I love all the bibs and burpies – especially the fabrics that she chose! Too sweet!
I am a folllower! Loving your posts – thanks for sharing.
I love the shoulder bag in daisy chain deco rose in brown. So Cute!
I like the New in Town bag.
I follow in Reader.
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I like the Cell phone holder, camera, ipod, blackberry Camden Fair Alexander Henry
I like the Mini tote bag Amy Butler martini moss purse. Too cute!
Oh lala! I like the Sweet Jazmine Zippered Clutch Wristlet in the Amy Butler Fabric best.
I love the ‘morning glory’ tote bag.
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My favorites Tatto brown and cream Cosmetic Bag- Zippered Wristlet, Tote Bag Tree Peony in Sky Amy Butler Fabric and the boutique chocolate and blue Mini wallet. Beautiful! Thanks for the chance!
I hearted her store!
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and i follow on twitter (Ems arts)
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This is my favorite and would be perfect for vacation!
.Shoulder Bag Palm Springs in Green Every Day Bag with Removable Flower blue,green,orange
And.. I follow here and on FB! Do I win? lol
Hi! I like the Zen Blossom mini cute! I love the unique fabrics and patterns that she uses for her products. Thank you for a excellent giveaway! 🙂
LOVE the Sunflower Shoulder Bag!
Beautiful designs, i loved the fabrics and that apron! but im too short 😀 The bags are awesome specially Shoulder Bag Sunflower in Sunglow Every Day Bag. I tweeted about it. Good luck to the winner.
Love the Palm Springs Shoulder Bag!
I follow Everything Etsy on FB and Twitter!
I saved Paocollection as a Fav on Etsy.
I love the Water Bouquet Shoulder bag. It is so pretty.
I happily marked the shop as a favorite on Etsy.
PS Your CommentLuv isn’t working and it says it needs to be updated as it is not supported.
I shared some Twitter love.
I like Wristlet Sweet Jazmine Zippered Clutch in the Amy Butler Fabric!
I’m a follower!
Yes, this bag is very happy! I would love to win it! I really like the classic black and white Cosmetic Bag Zippered Wristlet.
I am a follower of everything etsy!
And I retweeted this article!
I like the Bib and Burp Cloth tweet tweet in white Michael Miller Fabric Baby Shower Gift. It’s a really cute print.
I love the key fobs. I need one I lose my keys all the time! in MidWest
I heart her shop
I like the Shoulder Bag Nouveau trees in Green Amy Butler Fabric
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
i love the tote bag in morning glory sky and polka dot cherry….would be wonderful if she made something for an ipad, similar to the ipod carriers.
i follow everything etsy on email.
I love anything chocolate so I choose this
krizkarishna at yahoo dot com
Great shop! I love this bag:
Can bragging to my sorority sisters count as an entry? well if not I’ll do my one and only entry here hoping that the dice roll to my comment. I’m in love with all of these great bags! the prints are SO cute and I’ve been in need of a carry-all for my classes. something cute and functional. oh I am so in love with that shop!
I would totally get this apron!
Added the shop to my Etsy favorites
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I like this:
Wristlet Grey Bright Buds Zippered Clutch / Amy Butler Fabric original wallet
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My favourite item is Tote Bag Morning Glory sky and polka dots cherry,
This is my favorite item:
Shoulder Bag Sunflower in Sunglow Every Day Bag
I subscribe to Everything Etsy by email
I tweeted about the giveaway.
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My favorite item is the New Mini tote bag Michael Miller Classic Black Circles Dots purse / mini tote bag. captainliss40(at)gmail(dot)com
I added the shop as a favorite.
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I did all the requirements. LOVE the orange and blue bag at the top of the page…such happy colors!
I love the aprons! How adorable!
I follow Everything Etsy on FB.
I heart Paocollection on Etsy.
I like the Patchwork Sunflower In Sunglow Cosmetic Bag.
Love the green half apron – just my color.
I hearted paocollection.
I am an email subscriber/follower of everything etsy.
I like the Minky Dots Lively Letters baby bib, what a cheerful design! Thanks for the lovely giveaway.
Email subscriber, thank you.
I love the Shoulder Bag, Midnight Kisses.
email subscriber to everything etsy
Great fabrics in this shop! Love the Tatto brown and cream Cosmetic Bag- Zippered Wristlet!!
Tweeted giveaway (ShanasShop)
FB giveaway (Shana’s Shop)
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I love the Michael Miller Classic Black Circles Dots purse
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the Full moon cherry Key Fob Wrist – Key Chain is soo cute!
I like the baby bib Lively Letters – Minky Dots
I subscribe to Everything Etsy via e-mail
my favorite item is Tote Bag Morning Glory sky and polka dots cherry – really lovely
I tweeted this
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I like the patchwork Ebony Ironworks and Flower shower Cosmetic Bag
I hearted her shop.
I think the sweet jasmine mini wallet is adorable!!
I just adore her Green and Sunspots half apron. Just adorable!!
FB fan!
I like her mini Wallets I would get a bunch of them but I would get the Chocolate Mocca for myself.
Follow on Twitter (SilverLtPhoto)
I tweeted! @lifelovegreen
I <3'ed her shop on etsy. My Etsy name is Terpamber
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Great stuff! I really like the New Mini tote bag Amy Butler midwest modern martini moss purse / mini tote bag.
I’m a FB fan of Everything Etsy!
This is so lovely,so hard to choose.I love
Shoulder Bag Palm Springs,
Baby Blanket tweet tweet,
Tote Bag Deco …
I like the Wristlet Sunflower in Sunglow Joel Dewberry Fabrics
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Heart Paocollection on etsy user name monapete
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So many cute things! I love the Shoulder Bag Sunflower in Sunglow Every Day Bag!
I added her shop as a favorite.
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i would get the coral apron (… so cute i might actually look forward to cooking! 😉
I like the New Mini tote bag Michael Miller Classic Black Circles Dots purse / mini tote bag
Tweeted, sew_me_mine
posted on facebook, SewMeMine
Favorited her shop
subscribed to everything etsy by email
following on twitter, sew_me_mine
following on facebook, SewMeMine
I added Paocollection to my favorites on etsy.
‘ONE’ of my favorite items was their Shoulder Bag DaisyChain Deco rose…
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Oooh, I really love this one!
I love the palm springs shoulder bage
thanks for entering me!
Janna Johnson
New Mini tote bag Michael Miller Classic Black Circles Dots purse / mini tote bag
What GORGEOUS bags! Choosing one is tough, but I would have to go with the midwest martini moss mini tote bag. Simply FABULOUS!
Tweet Tweet!/WildAppleDesign/status/38958215312064512
I shared about this giveaway on Facebook!/WildAppleDesign
Paocollection’s shop now has another heart! ♥
I’m an Everything Etsy subscriber already (who could live without this stuff?!?) =D
I also follow Everything Etsy on Facebook
I’m an Everything Etsy follower on Twitter too =)
WOW…love the bag with Sunflower in Sunglow by Joel Dewberry fabrics, it it ABSOLUTLY perfet, the size and the fabrics with the special flower…sigh… its lovely!!!!
twitter tweeted and love it!!!!!!
I love how the designer makes a fous on the fabrics… brilliant!!!!
hearted, twittered , tweeted, called a friend, sent emails and facebooked… these are brilliant!!!!!!!
the Wristlet in Sunglow Sunflower – love!
My favorite item is the Shoulder Bag Palm Springs in Green Every Day Bag with Removable Flower blue,green,orange.
Wristlet Grey Bright Buds Zippered Clutch / Amy Butler Fabric original wallet is my fave
hearted shop as abbyloves
twitter follower as darkmotives
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FB fan as Nikki O
LOVE the mini tote bag in amy butler fabric! Thanks for the chance!!! Lovely shop!
EE subscriber!!!
EE facebook fan:)
EE twitter follower
My favorite is the New Mini tote bag Michael Miller Classic Black Circles. Thanks for the chance! 🙂
Wow! Love so many of these items. Seems all the ones I stopped on particularly were made with Amy Butler fabric. My favorite? Maybe Shoulder Bag Daisy Chain Deco rose Brown Amy Butler Fabric
I added everythingetsy to my google reader.
This was a very difficult decision, I love her products, just adorable. I do love this apron: .Hostess Half Apron Skirt – Amy Butler Fabrics coral wallflower..- great pattern and fabric.
Thanks for sharing this company!
I love the Watercolor Sky Shoulder Bag.
I shared on fb –!/permalink.php?story_fbid=185435371495219&id=100001891505536.
I shared on twitter –!/HisPrincess886/status/39716259905933312.
I heart Paocollection mark etsy shop – emilliep.
I subscribe via email – using my emillie(lastname) address.
I follow – google reader.
I follow on fb – emillie rose.
I follow on twitter – hisprincess886.
I love the Wristlet Pressed Flowers Turquoise Zippered Clutch / Amy Butler Fabric original wallet!
nancymeyer1 at gmail dot com
My favorite item from the shop is Bib and Burpie Owls in Blue
I added the etsy shop as my favorites.
I am a follower on twitter as violet_porto
LOVE LOVE LOVE the Tote Bag in Morning Glory sky and polka dots cherry!!!
I follow you on facebook!
I LOVE the wristlet grey bright buds!! the shape and the color OMG!!!
Jenn Post
I follow you on Facebook!
Jenn Post
I love the Cell phone holder, camera, ipod, blackberry Black White Dots
I follow you on twitter (@Kaziutka)
email subscriber
My favorite item from their website is the Flower Shower holder! Adorable design and something that I’m definitely considering buying. ♥
Followed you on Twitter! (WellChristina)
Liked your page on Facebook! (Christina Corker)
I love the turqoise flower cosmetic bag
I like the baby bib Starling in pink / Alexander Henry Fabric
I like the Shoulder bag Poppy Lane Red and Black.
I love the Cell phone holder, camera, ipod, blackberry Modern martini Moss Amy Butler Fabric
I like the French Wallpaper and Tangerine Dots Cosmetic Bag
I really love the Shoulder bag Poppy Lane Red and Black
My fave is the Bib and Burp Cloth (tweet tweet in white) set!
I’m a subscriber
Likes Everything Etsy on Facebook
I love the sweet ‘starling in pink’ baby bib!
I subscribe via email.
I love the patchwork sunflower in sunglow cosmetic bag!
cathyguitarteacher-77 at
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cathyguitarteacher-77 at
i love the Shoulder bag Poppy Lane Red and Black
I like the Shoulder Bag Sunflower in Sunglow Every Day Bag.
I would get the Wristlet Wallflower Sky Zippered Clutch / Amy Butler Fabric
My favorite is the Midwest Olive Mini wallet!
northssclub at yahoo dot com
Beautiful designs!
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