Courage is like a muscle.
We strengthen it with use.
~ Ruth Gordon ~
Tim and I were talking this weekend about Etsy. We tend to do that, as you might imagine. We were reflecting on what Etsy has meant in our family and what we’ve seen in so many others.
I still remember that I was literally nervous when I first told Tim I wanted to list something for sale on Etsy. I didn’t want to seem silly, and I was scared that nobody would buy what I was making.
But, lo-and-behold, I did get some sales, and then I got some more. Not enough to pay the grocery bill at first, but it grew and it is still growing.
A few months after starting that first shop, I felt about as nervous when I said, “Hey Tim, maybe we should start a blog.” I was a little uncertain about it, but I wanted to get out there and get to know people. It seemed like that was a step in being successful online and it sounded like fun! So we did, and then we started another, and another!
We’re still at the beginning and we aren’t making the kind of money we might have traditionally expected from the hours we invest, but that’s the key… it is an investment. Every hour we put into our business is like adding $30.00 (at least!) to the investment till. I think they call it “sweat equity”.
We’re now making a modest full-time living on the Internet through a combination of Etsy sales, blogging, and other Internet/Web stuff we never would have gotten into if not for that very first Etsy sale not much more than two years ago.
If you’re like me, Etsy makes you feel empowered. Empowered to be able to create and build!
You feel me? Does your Etsy shop make you feel empowered?
Yes, Etsy does make me feel empowered. It’s one place I can create what’s in my imagination and show it to the world. That makes me truly happy!
.-= La Alicia´s last blog ..Eco-Chic Small Clutch – Magazine and Junk Mail Bag with Button Closure =-.
LOVE this post, Kim! Yes, Etsy does make me feel empowered…I love working on my own time and having control of my product…and, yes, I put many hours into my shop/blog, etc., but I couldn’t be happier, and nothing’s more important! xo
.-= burlap+blue´s last blog for ezines =-.
I am planning to start an etsy shop and a blog soon, so it’s really nice to here that you have been successful with it. It’s scary to start something new, but it is nice to hear how it has worked out for other people. Thank you for all of your tips!
Kim, That is very inspirational, and yes Etsy does make me feel impowered- so much that I am working on opening my second shop. I am determined to be able to tell a story like this one day.
.-= Tammy/ StitchnStudio´s last blog ..Womens Large Pink Shabby Chic Vinyl wallet- SALE =-.
I absolutely feel empowered by have my 3 Etsy shops! Although I lack the talent to create anything, I do love vintage and this has been a dream come true for me!
I only feel slightly empowered, but it is a start. I have yet to find an item that sells well. I have stepped out and contacted a local store about showing my items and I’m signed up for a local holiday bazaar, that I have never done before.
I TOTALLY relate to that 2nd paragraph. Thanks for helping me feel not so alone in my fears.
.-= Dave´s last blog ..28th Street – Newport Beach – 5×7 Digital Collage Ocean Art =-.
Unfortunately, no. Etsy does not make me feel empowered. I’ve had an Etsy shop for 4+ years, but still don’t have 100 sales. And yes, I’ve had things listed all along.
My products are well-made, they sell VERY well at antique & craft fairs, and two weeks ago, one of my items was featured on the front page of the Home & Garden section of the local daily paper! But my things just don’t do so well on Etsy and I don’t know why. I feel my descriptions are good, though they could probably be more enticing … I just don’t seem to have a knack for that sort of writing.
.-= Prairie Primitives Folk Art (Tana)´s last blog ..Primitive Kitty Cat – antique black and indigo blue quilt top =-.
Yes, Etsy has empowered me! I’m 60, single, and young at heart! My goal is to become full-time. I have a plan and I’m working the plan!
Thanks so much for this article and your blog! After nearly a year of crafting, I finally got up the courage to open up my Etsy shop. I do feel empowered and also overwhelmed, and mainly excited. I am tickled pink every time I log into etsy! Now to get my blog up and going….
.-= gretchen leake´s last blog ..Ivory Rose Ring =-.
I have definitely been feeling empowered by Etsy! I get so excited when I get a sale. Although I “opened” an Etsy account over 2 years ago, I just started seriously selling my items in December 2010. This last week has been, by far, my best yet! Its to the point that I need to ORGANIZE my house for Etsy! ♥ it! Thank you so much for all the wonderful tips, I’m trying to incorporate everything I can to help grow my business!
.-= April´s last blog ..Shabby Chippy Grungy Message Board =-.