Welcome to I Made It!
Thanks for joining us for The Creative, Crafty, Artsy People Party! {That’s what we were going to name it, but it wouldn’t fit on the button.}
I hope you’ll link up to the party with your creative project of the week. What did you make? Last week we had an adorable little girl’s dress, jewelry, home decor projects, and lots of fun tutorials.
I’ve found a bunch of new blogs by visiting the links…I love creative blogs!
Here’s How The Blog Party Works
When you link to the McLinky thing below, you must link to a blog post that shows off something that you made! As long as it fits the title “I Made It!”
You must link back to the party in your post with a link or our cute button. If you are new to blog parties, please read these detailed instructions.
So….grab our button, link your post, and get comfy so you can hop around to all the other blogs! I can’t wait to see what you’ve been working on this week!

I’m working hard to finish school – last day is tomorrow! Can’t wait to see what I get to share with y’all next week!
.-= Candy from Candied Fabrics´s last blog ..4th new house in my neighborhood =-.
Thanks for the kick in the pants to post some pictures of a dress I made…two months ago!
.-= Kelly Irene´s last blog ..I made it =-.
Here is a slipcovered ottoman I made! http://nikki-nikkidesigns.blogspot.com/2010/05/making-ottoman.html
Thanks so much for hosting!
.-= Jax@Aly&Ash´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Go Suns! =-.
Thank you for hosting – have a great Thursday
.-= Al´s last blog ..My Summer Project =-.
Thanks so much for hosting Kim!!
Meet Virginia!
Meet Virginia!!
Meet Virginia!!!
.-= Morgan´s last blog ..Blog Swaps =-.