Let’s make our own fabulous flip flops for Spring!
I love finding great deals on shoes of any kind, but today I’m making my own great deal!
This whole project can cost you less than $5, and you’ll have flip flops to match your personality without searching all over town. This is really easy and fun…how is that sound? Let’s get right to it then!
Run out and grab a pair of cheap flip flops…And I mean CHEAP!
I think you can find these for $1.99, but I paid a whopping $3.99 for mine!
Gather some scrap material from around the house. You can even cut up a shirt or bandana for this fun little project.
You’ll need some scissors, a needle or two {just in case you break one…not that I would know about that}, and thread.
Now it’s time to get started by sewing the strips of fabric together in sets of 4 or 5. Your strips can be any length because you’ll just attach more when you run out.
There’s no special technique here, and feel free to use a sewing machine if you find that’s easier for you.
We don’t want to sew them all together right now. Too much fabric would make it harder to wrap around the straps.
Sew the first strip of fabric to one strap of your flip flop. Notice that my needle is slightly bent in the photo. This isn’t the easiest part, but the cheaper the flip flop the thinner the strap will be!
Push the needle through slowly. I used the metal part of my scissors to give me something strong to push with. Use caution! You don’t want to poke yourself!
After you make a couple stitches, tie a knot and cut the thread.
Now it’s time to rap…no, I mean WRAP! This is the best part! Put on a little music and have fun!
I wrap my strips close because I want to have a fat and cushiony strap when I’m done. Keep it pulled tightly and add more strips when needed. Remember, we are turning cheap into something fabulous here!
I like the variations of color, but it might not be for everyone. These are fun flips, and I’m sure you will come up with a million color combinations!
I wrapped around the middle a few times and up and around the other side. Then I wrapped a few different ways just to make sure you couldn’t see the plastic strap anymore. Rocket science, right?
I don’t think you can do this wrong. Wrap and unwrap until it’s just right.
Stop with a little fabric left so there’s something to grip and pull tight while you sew a couple more stitches to finish it up.
Then cut close to the stitches on the inside.
That’s it! Now I have some funky and fabulous flips for a fun day in the sun! Very original, don’t ya think?
It would make a great project with kids during Spring Break!
Have a great weekend!
CUTE!! I’m definately going to need to make a pair, or two or three, VERY soon!!
This project would seem more exciting to me if I hadn’t just waken up to snow. We haven’t had any since February, but now we get more… sigh.
.-= Heather´s last blog ..This post really is about bagels =-.
How adorable! I would use as much as you have…I HATE thin straps on my flips! Thanks for sharing!
.-= Heathahlee´s last blog ..Good Friday =-.
Cute flip flops!
How cute!! I think my girls will need some once it warms up:)
.-= Jen´s last blog ..Camera Girl – A Necklace =-.
Super cute idea to make flip-flops personalized! Have you worn them yet? Curious how all the fabric feels between your toes.
I can’t believe I never thought about this! All those times I couldn’t find that “perfect” flip-flop color for my outfit – I could have found scraps and been making my own…geez louise!
Thanks for the tutorial!
So fun for spring– thanks for the tutorial, I think my Brownie troop might be making these now!
Super cute! I hope you have a great weekend too!
.-= Debbie in Nashville´s last blog ..You never know what you might see =-.
This is sooo awesome. I want to try it but where will I find the time? Thanks!
They are so cute –I can’t wait to get a pair !!LOL I hope you have a wonderful Easter
Oh my gosh, what a wonderful and fun tutorial! I’m so gonna try this out! Thank you so much and have a Blessed Easter.
So cool. I wonder if hot glue would work just as well as a needle and thread. My girls would love this project. We’ll definately be making these soon.
Thanks for the tutorial!
.-= Annabelle´s last blog ..Luxurious Cream Organic Cotton Crochet Wash Cloth / Spa Cloth / Face Wash – Set of 3 – Eco Friendly and Green – This Item Was Featured on ETSY’s Front Page =-.
Absolutely adorable….I have to try this!
.-= Steph´s last blog ..Little Black Dress Ring =-.
I love it! I’m totally going to make a few pairs.
.-= Amanda´s last blog ..Featured Fridays – Team CAC =-.
Great idea! This is going to feel so much better against the skin than the plastic. Thanks a bunch!
Ok, those are just too…. cute !
.-= Elizabeth Bailey´s last blog ..French Chic Pick Your Initial Ecru and Black Lace Monogram Pendant Necklace =-.
These are so cute and EASY! Can’t wait to make me and my girls matching flip flops. Thanks
I have several pairs of flip flops I can’t wear (the plastic flippers hurt between my toes!) and this would be a great trick to make ’em work. How do you keep the fabric pieces from fraying? How did you cut them with the crinkle edge?
I’m already thinking of which of my fabrics to use for this. How cute!!
This is an idea for July !! Love You !!
1. Using a thimble would help with pushing the needle through. Remember those?
I actually still have a couple of those things.
2. I love my flip-flops with the cloth rather than plastic, and I’ve been looking for more but there is nothing cute. I LOVE this idea. I’ve got plenty of scraps. Thanks for the idea.
.-= Robbin´s last blog ..Treasured Tokens Thursday =-.
Very cute Kim! Should make flip dlops a lot more comfortable too
.-= Audrey´s last blog ..Bohemian Princess Earrings =-.
I’m newbie. ..but somehow quickly addicted to all this cuteness…pinking shears have, scraps will find…how to attaché a pretty bow with a cute button or sumpfin sumpfin…