All month we’ve been talking about organizing our supplies…and we DO have some supplies. Creative people need lots of supplies, right?
There were so many great ideas in the comments that I thought I would highlight a few and share them with you.
Crafter Hours sent this great photo of her organized ribbon. Visit her post for the details and more photos.
She organizes them by color and I love just looking at her collection displayed this way!
I’ve always had a problem with my thread storage. Can you picture the dog walking down the hallway with thread wrapped around his leg? Yes, this has happened in my house. It can be dangerous getting near my sewing stuff!
Lin3arossa {G} sent me this idea that she found on Craft Stylish. The rubber band keeps the spool and the bobbin from unraveling…genius! She’s always sewing up something great, so I’m sure she really benefits from this storage tip!
Catherine sent me this link to her post on organizing her fabric collection. She has some stunning fabric! And if she ever gets tired of any of them, I hope she’ll send them my way. Catherine said she picked up some great tips from this post on folding fabric…it’s a great tutorial!
All About Buttons shares a peek at how she manages to keep her buttons organized and easy to find.
Jenn R. sent me this photo of her collection of ribbons. She used Ribbon Rings! Hanging them on the back of the door is a major space saving idea!
Honestly, I was thrilled with the response I received during this series on organizing. Thanks for all your response. It has made having a blog so much fun!
I’ll be sure to let you know about any other tips I run across!
If you love organization ideas… you should see this beautiful list of DIY ideas:
That is the best thread storage idea, ever! I am going to go do that right now!
I truely enjoyed this post. So well organized and pretty. Great ideas. It inspires me to work on my fabrics,etc. and get them more organized. Thanks for sharing.
OMGosh do I love the bobbin-and-spool idea. Seriously need that. Still looking for the perfect solution for my fabrics (and have sworn off buying anymore until I get them all organized). Am thinking of using the drawers of an old dresser…..
Thanks for the ideas, Kim!
I love these ideas. I love when the organization is a craft in itself. It is something beautiful to look at and I love that! I keep forgetting to send you a picture of my fabric storage in baskets. Someday…
Okay, mine is not beautiful to look at but definitely functional. Basically, I have toooooooo much stuff. Just got a 10 lb. bag of buttons to sort through. Do you have any idea how many buttons will weigh up to 10 poounds? Phew!!!