In a recent post on 20 Ways to build traffic to your Etsy Shop, we listed the use of Etsy-Minis as one. Indeed, Etsy-Minis are one of the best ways to build your shop’s business. In this video, I’ll go through the entire process of making an Etsy-Mini and putting it on a Blogger Blog.
The whole thing is only about FOUR minutes! That’s how easy it is! And that’s with me (Tim) talk, talk, talking. The smallest text is a little fuzzy, but you’ll be able to follow along easily! Here’s the video:
I hope that was helpful! Since it wasn’t so clear, let me show you that little bit of HTML code you use for centering something. Before the code you want to center you put in this <center> Then, after the code you want to center you just close it with this </center> . This works for buttons, pictures, scripts (like the Etsy-Mini), etc.
The last thing I want to mention is that you can put these Etsy-Mini’s on any blog, not just yours. If you want to put one here on Everything Etsy, check out our “Advertise Here” page!
Have a great day! And Happy Mother’s Day!!! to the moms out there!
Thanks again for all of your very helpful advice:0)
.-= Ruth´s last blog ..spring, hat, childs, easter, flower,girls, dress up, children ,toddler, summer, wedding =-.
I wasn’t able to view your video. Do I need certain software to watch it?